Scaling and Managing Applications with Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler

Author: Cyprian Moye, Cloud Engineer Introduction Unmatched agility and efficiency in managing workloads can be achieved by integrating HorizontalPodAutoscaler (HPA) with Kubernetes deployments to ensure seamless performance. HPA can automatically adjust workload resources such as Deployments or StatefulSets, aligning application scaling with demand fluctuations without manual intervention. HPA offers the flexibility to scale resources up [...]

Scaling and Managing Applications with Kubernetes HorizontalPodAutoscaler2024-04-12T10:57:40-06:00

Migrating to Amazon EKS vs. Vanilla Kubernetes

Contributors Travis Langhals, Principal Architect and Migration Practice Lead Stephen Sadowski, Head of Cloud Engineering and DevOps/Modernization Practice Lead Kubernetes has become the most popular container orchestration platform for deploying and managing applications in the cloud. AWS’s distribution, Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), is their managed Kubernetes service offering. In this blog post, we will compare [...]

Migrating to Amazon EKS vs. Vanilla Kubernetes2023-02-09T10:40:42-06:00
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